
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone! I have been waiting to post another blog until my official route was available. I will be leaving in January of 2023 as of now and will be going to a few different countries from my previous post.

In January we will be heading off to Guatemala and we will have the opportunity to help with church activation, discipleship, and community development. We will be meeting physical needs for the community by helping with installing water filters and stoves, creating discipleship opportunities, and be able to send the Guatemalan people to other nations to spread the gospel.

We will then head off to Romania to help Hope Church. We will be a part of their church planting, church development, and relationship programs that they have set in place for their community. One emphasis that Hope church has is for the generations that are to come. We will be able to influence the kids, teens, and young adults of this community with the Gospel. 

Eswatini is the next country that we will travel to after Romania. In Eswatini, we will have the pleasure of working with children ministry, sports ministry, and then community development as well. In Eswatini, 12% of its population is made up of orphaned children, while 40% of the population lives in poverty. We will be able to fulfill basic needs through food, clean water, shelter, and education. This will give us an awesome opportunity to spread the Gospel through that time as well. 

Finally, we come to South Africa. The focus in South Africa will be children’s ministry, Community outreach, and discipleship. Through the difficult history of South Africa, we will have a chance to spread the Good News to all there and to be a light in a dark world. This is an awesome opportunity to be able to just spread the love of Christ to those that we have never met, but have a heart for. 


Through this process I just ask for your support. Whether that is by giving or just through Prayer. Prayer is one of the most powerful things that we have in this spiritual warfare. If prayer is the only thing that you can do, here are a couple things that you can pray for me. 

Prayer list:

1. That God would move and show his love to the unreached people groups that are still in the world today. 

2. That the Holy Spirit would protect us from anxiety, worry, and just things that can be overwhelming for those overseas. 

3. For protection while we travel

4. Guidance in speech

5. Stable Finances throughout the trip 

6. Allowing those that are not saved to experience who Christ really is and that He is the only way

I want to thank everyone that has a hand in this because it is something that I personally love and want the world to love as well. I have been called to serve God and it does not matter where I am at. I will serve Him till my very last breath and it will be people that come along side me, that I will be able to say thank you for doing your part. 

2 responses to “Route Change!!”

  1. So proud of you. Please know that I’m praying for you both for the work you’re doing for the Lord. God bless you.